Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The First 'Kickboxer Vengeance' Footage Actually Looks Awesome

It took a lot of effort, but I’ve finally moved beyond my initial shock and outrage that there is a Kickboxer remake on the way and just accepted that Kickboxer Vengeance is probably going to be a movie that I’ll be super into. Still a ways off, we’ve now got our first look at footage, and I have to admit, I’m totally down.

This teaser trailer is only 23-seconds-long, but it’s a promising moment to be sure. It stars Dave Bautista as Tong Po, former UFC champ Georges St. Pierre, Alan Moussi, and Gina Carano. Oh, and there’s a little guy named Jean-Claude Van Damme, who takes the role of the master training Moussi’s Kurt Sloane for revenge against the brutal fighter who injured his brother.

Kickboxer Vengeance doesn’t have a release date yet, but whenever it hits, I’ll be there.

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